Cualquier niño puede aprender

Ayuda a tu hijo a aprender nuevas habilidades y a reducir comportamientos desafiantes con ABA

Los tratamientos ofrecidos a niños, adolescentes y adultos con autismo u otra discapacidad DEBEN estar basados en la evidencia.

Puedes ayudar a tu hijo a aprender nuevas habilidades y reducir comportamientos desafiantes gracias al Análisis de Comportamiento Aplicado (ABA).
Female ABA therapist engaging with a young child, helping him learn new skills through positive reinforcement and playful interaction.


Group of professionals in an meeting with laptops with 15 years of experience in autism-related interventions.

Serás apoyado por profesionales altamente calificados que tienen hasta 15 años de experiencia in autism-related interventions.

What can an ABA intervention give your child?


Children doesn’t need to emit challenging behaviors, if they learn to understand and be understood by other people.


The more a child grow, the more they need independence in toileting, eating, dressing, washing, grooming


Studying at school, taking part in sports, making friends, are all opportunities that can be seized if your child is included in social life.

¿Qué puede ofrecerte una intervención ABA?

Be listened

Your life can be easier if, when asking your child to do something, he will comply.


You'll learn evidence-based strategies to manage new, unforecast situations.


Aggressive and self-injurious behaviors can be reduced, weakened or eliminated.

¿Por qué comenzar una intervención ABA con nosotros?


No necesitas nuestra presencia física, obtendrás los mismos resultados. La distancia no es un problema.

Soporte rápido

No tendrás que esperar semanas para una cita, especialmente si tienes una emergencia.

A tu medida

Recibirás un tratamiento adaptado a tus necesidades y estilo de vida, validado por las investigaciones más recientes en el campo.

Did you know?

We offer a 30-Day Free Trial!

Features of our service

Data Driven

We rely on a valid and reliable measurement system to continuously evaluate and monitor the intervention.


You'll receive the most successful and powerful intervention, entirely based on the latest research in the field.


You will see the results in the data and with the naked eye. Challenges are our bread and butter.


Our interventions are respectful of the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts published by the BACB®.


You will receive written plans that will guide you in order to change behaviors and teach new skills.


We do not work alone: our professionals can always count on other team member’s supervision.


– Only once for new swiss clients –

During the promotional period indicated on this website you can request the services showing “Now with 30-Day Free Trial” on a free trial basis.

This means that you will receive our average intervention package for a month. No payment will be requested and you can discontinue the service for any reason.

No payment will be requested.

The acceptance for the 30-Day Free Trial is not guaranteed and will depend on the professional’s availability (places are limited).

In case of acceptance, you will receive an e-mail (from the professional that you selected) with the confirmation to start your 30-Day Free Trial.

Services provided after the expiration of the 30-Day Free Trial will be charged.

To learn more read the “General Terms and Conditions of Sale” of our professionals.

Do you want to activate the offer? Complete the registration form and mark the checkbox.