Exciting News! ABAI joins ENBA

ABAI joins ENBA!

The European Network of Behaviour Analysts (ENBA), founded and directed by Data Driven ABA, received on July 16, 2024, the registration of the largest and most prestigious scientific society in the world in the field of behavior analysis: the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). ABAI joins ENBA.

This registration extends support to the free online conference ENBA DAYS in November 2024, already rich with top-level ABA instructors and sponsorships from many of the most important entities in the field.


Not yet registered for the ENBA Days conference? Check out the conference website and register for FREE: www.enbadays.eu

Are you a professional or do you run an organization that offers ABA services? Join ENBA for free and help us spread ABA in Europe: www.behaviouranalysts.eu

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